Introduction about Devops API Testing Job Support:
Many applications today provide a Restful API which can be used for detailed and comprehensive automated testing. Testing using an API requires significant programming skills which many QA and testing professionals do not have. Even technically skilled quality engineers might not have enough in-depth knowledge of the application to effectively develop automated tests using a Restful API. The DevOps practice of pairing skilled and disciplined testers with developers who know the code is an effective approach to developing robust automated tests with a Restful API. However, message protocols can still be difficult to discover.
Devops uses automation & self-service provisioning both on premises & in cloud to get developers what the resources they need and when they need them in ready-to-use development workspaces. Because Devops emphasizes open source & usage of APIs for integration, The developers can access a rich set of data management tools to streamline application development & testing.
To increasing the automation, you have to go away from the user interface & use API testing. UI testing is not enough for testing an application & automating the tests for distributed applications with web services, RESTful APIs & so on. Modern applications require a layered & decoupled architecture-driven testing approach.
API TESTING is a kind of software testing that involves testing in application programming interfaces directly & as part of integration testing to determine if they meet expectations for functionality, performance , reliability & security. API testing is now considered as critical for automation testing because APIs now serves as the primary interface to application logic, because GUI tests are complex to maintain with the short release cycles & frequent changes are commonly used with Agile software development & DevOps.
API testing involves testing the APIs directly & as part of the end-to-end transactions exercised during integration testing. It is performed on APIs that the development team produces as well as APIs that the team consumes within their application.
This testing is used to determine whether APIs return the correct response for a broad range of feasible requests, react properly to edge cases such as failures & unexpected or extreme inputs, deliver responses in an acceptable amount of time & respond securely to potential security attacks. Service virtualization is used in conjunction with API testing to isolate the services under test as well as expand test environment access by simulating APIs or services that are not accessible for testing