Introduction to Informatica Big Data Edition Training:
Informatica Big Data Edition lets you use the entire Hadoop architecture and make use of the distributive concept which helps in processing of large data sets across commodities servers.
We at Ides Trainings provide Informatica Big Data Edition training. We have trainers who are experienced in Informatica Big Data Edition. Ides Trainings provides you with cost-effective services. We provide the quality content for all the courses. We provide Informatica Big Data Edition online training. We provide corporate training, Classroom training and Virtual Job Support as well.
Prerequisites of Informatica Big Data Edition Training:
There are no particular prerequisites for Informatica Big Data Edition.
Course Outline for Informatica Big Data Edition Training:
Course Name: Informatica Big Data Edition Training
Mode of Training: We provide Online, Corporate and Classroom Training. We provide Virtual Job Support as well.
Duration of Course: 30 Hours (Can be customized as per the requirement)
Trainer Experience: 15+ years.
Timings: According to one’s feasibility
Batch Type: Regular, Weekends and Fast track
Do you provide Materials: Yes, if you register with Ides Trainings, we will provide materials for Informatica Big Data Edition
Course Fee: After registering on our website, one of our coordinators will contact you for further details
Online Mode: WEBEX, GoToMeeting or SKYPE
Basic Requirements: Good Internet speed, Headset
Course Content for Informatica Big Data Edition Training:
Module 1-Introduction to Informatica Big Data Edition
Module 2-Parameters
2.1 Parameter Types
2.2 Parameter Binding
2.3 Properties that may be parameterized
Module 3-Mapping and Developer Enhancements
3.1 Intended uses
3.2 Use with Parameters
3.3 Dynamic Schemas
3.4 Dynamic Ports
3.5 Input Rules
3.6 Dynamic expressions
Module 4-Dynamic Mappings
4.1 Intended uses
4.2 Use with Parameters
4.3 Dynamic Schemas
4.4 Dynamic Ports
4.5 Input Rules
4.6 Dynamic expressions
Module 5-Entity Extraction and Data Classification on Hadoop
Module 6-Mixed Workflows
Module 7-Partitioned Mappings
7.1 MxN Partitioning
7.2 Support for Sorter
7.3 Configurable parallelism
Module 8-Data Processor Transformation
8.1 Installing Libraries
8.2 Library Object
8.3 RunMapplet action
With Informatica Big Data Edition, we can access big data sources for unstructured and semi-structured data, social media data and data in Hive and HDFS. It helps you replicate large amounts of transactional data between heterogeneous databases and platforms. It also does pushdown which basically distributes mapping and profile processing across nodes in a Hive environment.
Evolution of Big Data Edition
Data has evolved in the last 5 years like never before. Lots of data is being generated each day in every business sector. Organizations have started understanding the value of data and they have decided not to ignore any data as being uneconomical. Organizations are interested in doing precise analysis or they want to work on different formats of data such as structured, unstructured and semi-structured data. Organizations are interested in gaining insights for finding the hidden treasure in the big data. This is the main reason where organizations are interested in big data.
Organizations from past 50 years or more than 50 years have been handling huge amount of data. They have been working on huge volume of data.
The question here is have they worked on all the data? Or have they worked on some portion of it? What have they used to store this data? If they have used something to store this data, what is happening? What is changing?
Any organization would want to have a solution which allows them to store huge amount of data, capture it, process it, analyze it and also look into the data to give more value to the data. Organizations have then been looking for solutions. Here are some facts that data is exploding and needs your attention.
55 billion messages, 4.5 billion photos are sent each day on WhatsApp. 300 hours of video are uploaded every minute on YouTube. YouTube is the second largest search engine after Google. Every minute users send 31.25 million messages and watch 2.77 million videos on Facebook. Walmart handles more than 1 million customer transactions every hour. On Google, 40,000 search queries are performed per second i.e., 3.46 million searches a day. A lot of times people when they are loading up the Google page is basically to check their internet connection, however, that is also generating data. IDC reports that by 2025 real-time data will be more than a quarter of all the data. By 2025, the volume of digital data will increase to 163 zeta bytes i.e., 10 to the power 21 bytes.
Why Big Data Edition?
Organizations are interested in big data in gaining insights. They would want to use the data to find hidden information which probably they ignored earlier. Organizations started realizing that the data which they were ignoring as being uneconomical had hidden value which they had never exploited. There is a saying, torture the data and it will confess to anything. Now, that’s the value of data which organizations have realized in recent past.
Use case: Facebook collects huge volumes of user data, whether that is SMS, likes, advertisements, features which people are liking or photographs or even user profiles. By collecting this data and providing a portal which people can use to connect. Facebook is also accumulating huge volume of data and that’s way beyond petabytes. They would also be interested in analyzing this data and one of the reasons would be, they want to personalize the experience.
What is Big Data Edition?
Big Data is the term for collection of data sets so large and complex that it becomes difficult to process using on-hand database system tools or traditional data processing applications.
What is Hadoop?
Hadoop is a framework that allows you to distribute processing of large data sets across clusters of commodity computers. It is designed for commodity hardware. It is scalable and fault tolerant. It is an open-source project of the Apache foundation.
What is Hive?
Hive is a Data warehouse system for Hadoop framework. It facilitates easy data summarization, ad-hoc queries and analysis of large datasets stored in Hadoop compatible file systems. It provides mechanism to project structure on to the data. It facilitates the ability to use SQL like language which is called as the Hive Query Language. It is used to convert any Hadoop job into a MapReduce program.
What is HDFS?
HDFS stands for Hadoop Distributed File System. HDFS creates a level of abstraction over the resources, from where we can see the whole HDFS as a single unit.
HDFS has two core components i.e., NameNode and DataNode.
NameNode: The NameNode is the main node that contains metadata about the data stored.
DataNode: Data is stored on the DataNodes which are commodity hardware in the distributed environment.
Informatica Big Data Edition Product Breakdown and Architecture:
Power Exchange for Hadoop: Power Exchange for Hadoop integrates PowerCenter with Hadoop to extract and load data.
Power Exchange for HDFS: Power Exchange for HDFS is for connecting to HDFS from Developer tool to connect from Data Integration Service.
Power Exchange for Hive: Power Exchange for Hive is for connecting to Hive from Developer tool to connect from Data Integration Service.
Pushdown: for running Developer mappings in Hadoop environment.
Data Storage Solutions:
Problem 1 : Storing exponentially growing huge datasets
Solution: HDFS
It is a storage unit of Hadoop.
It is a Distributed File System.
It divides files (input data) into smaller chunks and stores it across the cluster.
It is scalable as per the requirement.
Problem 2: Storing unstructured data
Solution: HDFS
It allows to store any kind of data, be it structured, semi-structured or unstructured.
It follows WORM (Write Once Read Many).
No schema validation is done while dumping data.
Problem 3: Processing data faster
Solution: Hadoop MapReduce
It provides parallel processing of data present in HDFS.
It allows to process data locally i.e.; each node works with a part of data which is stored on it.
Ides Trainings provides Informatica Big Data Edition training by our real-time experts. You can get the complete knowledge on Informatica Big Data Edition from basic to advanced level by our expert trainers. We provide unique training programs for corporates. We also provide backup session in case you miss the training session. That is the best part of Ides Trainings. We provide Online, Corporate trainings. We provide Classroom trainings for the locations like Delhi, Mumbai, Noida, Hyderabad, Pune, Bangalore, etc. We provide Virtual Job Support. To know more about the trainings, we provide contact to the information provided or leave a message on our website, so that one of our coordinators will contact and assist you.
Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs)
1.How many days will it take to learn Informatica Big Data Edition?
You can learn Informatica Big Data Edition in just a month if you spend a good amount of time on it.
2.Is it worth learning Informatica Big Data Edition?
Many IT companies are using Informatica Big Data Edition. If you want to build a career in this field this is the right time to start.
3.Who can learn Informatica Big Data Edition course?
Anyone who is interested to build a career in this technology can learn this course.
4.Is it possible to access the course material online?
Yes, you can access the course material online.
5.Is sufficient Practical training given for Informatica Big Data Edition?
Yes, you will be given Hands-on experience for Informatica Big Data Edition training.