Introduction to .Net Threads
.Net Threads Single Thread (normal programs) in computer science means that only one task can execute and at the same time the other tasks have to wait for the completion of the current task like in a queue. Single thread resulted in systems idle time and application performance.
.Net Threads Job Support
The thread is defined as the execution path of an program. Each thread defines an unique flow of the control. If your application involves the complicated & time consuming operations such as database access or some intense I/O operations, then it is often helpful to set the different execution paths or threads, with each thread performing an particular job.
Threads are lightweight processes. One common example of use of the thread is implementation of an concurrent programming by the modern operating systems. Use of threads saves the wastage of CPU cycle & increases the efficiency of an application.
In .Net, the threading is handled through the System.Threading namespace. Creating an variable of the System.Threading. Thread type allows you to create an new thread to start working with. It allows you to create & access the individual threads in an program.
The advantage of threading is the ability to create the applications that use more than & thread of execution. Say for eg, the process can have an user interface thread that manages the interactions with the user & worker threads that perform other tasks while the user interface thread waits for the user input. The Priority property of Thread class specifies the priority of one thread with respect to that of others.